Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How the Catalytic Combustor made it way into the Woodstove Industry

To do this, we need to go back to the 1970’s when heating costs increased drastically.

It was reported back then … as you can see on this chart,
electric rates increased 215% in that decade,
oil prices increased 272%
and that natural gas increased 483%

To combat these cost increases, many homeowners switched to wood as a fuel for their heating needs.

After all, wood was in abundance and free in most parts of the country.
During this same period of time, hundreds of new stove companies began to spring up across the United States.
Bare in mind, there were no environmental regulations yet in place.

However, the advantages of burning wood did have some draw backs.

Early designed stoves produced…
-much wasted energy...
-harmful air pollution...
-and heavy amounts of creosote

It was in the early 1980’s that the catalytic combustor was found to be an ideal solution aimed at answering...... consumer, manufacturing and environmental problems.
When we stop and think about it, the catalytic combustor was actually a “green product before “green” became popular.

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