Friday, February 21, 2014

Why the combustor might struggle to do its job.

-LIGHT-OFF- was not achieved before the stove’s by-pass was closed. This means the catalyst was not at the temperature necessary to receive and burn the inlet gases. This will result in the combustor cells plugging with fly-ash and creosote.  When starting a fire in a cold stove, the catalyst needs 500o f. of temperature focused on it for 20 to 30 minutes to allow proper light-off.

-REFUELING WITH WET- or unseasoned wood will shut the catalytic combustor down at once. This will result in the combustor’s cells plugging with fly-ash and creosote.  This will also cause thermal shock to the combustor’s substrate and hair line cracks will occur on the cell walls.

Catalytic stoves are designed to burn seasoned dry wood only.  Never re-fuel with wet or un-seasoned wood and close the by-pass.  If the wood supply is wet when re-fueling the stove, leave the by-pass damper open until the wood has had a chance to dry out.

-MASKING-  a blanketing on the combustor of a substance that prevents catalytic activity.

-PLUGGING- a build-up of soot, creosote and/or fly-ash within the combustor’s cells.  This occurs when the combustor is operated or positioned improperly. Inlet gas temperature must be maintained around 500o f. to keep the catalyst activated. This also occurs when burning materials that produce large flakes of char, like wrapping paper and cardboard.

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