Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So why buy a catalytic wood burning stove?

An EPA Phase II catalytic wood burning stove delivers 72% or better heating efficiency. This means that 72% of the energy available in wood is delivered into the surrounding living area.
In addition to the 72% heating efficiency, the catalytic wood burning stoves of today:

1. Reduce air pollution by up to 90%.
2. Reduce creosote build-up. (Up to 90% reduction)
3. Generate up to 50% more useful heat from each log.
4. Generate longer burns per load.
5. Saves the consumer up to 1/3 on fuel cost. (One less cord out of every 3)

1 comment:

Frank said...

I love these facts. They dispel many of the misconceptions about these stoves. I've recently bought a wood burning stove through a stockist via Less Lettuce and have had it installed just before the Wintry arctic conditions have set in. There is nothing better than gathering around a roaring, dancing wooden fire on a cold, cold night.