Tuesday, April 7, 2009

EPA’s Phase II Program
Standards for particulate matter emissions

Unless exempted under §60.530 of the U.S. EPA Federal Register, each wood burning appliance manufactured on or after July 1, 1990, or sold at retail on or after July 1, 1992, shall comply with the following particulate matter emission limits as determined by the test methods and procedures in §60.534 of the U.S. EPA Federal Register:

A wood burning stove equipped with a catalytic combustor shall not discharge into the atmosphere any gases which contain particulate matter in excess of a weighted average of 4.1 g/hr (0.009 lb/hr).

A wood burning stove not equipped with a catalytic combustor shall not discharge into the atmosphere any gases which contain particulate matter in excess of a weighted average of 7.5 g/hr or (0.017 lb/hr).


todd said...

I have heard they may lower the gph standards even lower in the near future? Have you heard anything? The state of Washington has already lowered theirs.

Tim Cork said...

Hi Todd,
Yes, there is a lot of talk circulating in the industry about this.
I'm not sure what the new EPA standards will be, but I'm sure they will be at least to those of the state of Washington.
The issues related to lowering particulate standards nationwide are not ones of concern to the catalytic stove manufacturers, because most catalytic stoves being built today already meet the Washington state standards or are a lot lower.
I'll talk to you more about this later when I find out what has been decided.