Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Burning in a catatlytic appliance.

Burning materials, like those listed below, will gradually reduce the efficiency of the catalyst.

“Burn only seasoned dried wood”

Never burn foreign matter such as…
painted wood,
large amounts of colored paper,

pressure treated wood,
paneling with glue,
oily products and so on.

All catalytic combustors used in EPA certified Phase II stoves have a life expectancy of at least, 10,000 burning hours, when used according to the stove's operating manual.

It could be said, that a catalytic combustor’s life is really based on a number of things....

Operating the stove properly....
(Not burning with firebox door open or perhaps closing the by-pass to soon)

Using regular
maintenance habits to both stove and combustor....
(Simple things like checking the firebox door gasket)

Burning proper fuel in the appliance....
(This means burning seasoned dried wood only- no foreign matter that could poison the combustor)

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